WITHOUT PREJUDICE _____________________________________________ ERRORS & OMISSIONS EXCEPTED
HRH In Speculatione Sequentis HRH
Forthcoming Indeterminate Duration Civil Contempt Incarceration Penalty
In Memory Of Child Victims & The Continued Egregious Genocide
OIPC Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity; And, War Crimes Tribunal 2016 OIPC
HRH In Speculatione Sequentis HRH
Forthcoming Indeterminate Duration Civil Contempt Incarceration Penalty
In Memory Of Child Victims & The Continued Egregious Genocide
OIPC Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity; And, War Crimes Tribunal 2016 OIPC
On December 11th, 2015, the Supreme Court of British Columbia, in right of Elizabeth II Canada, issued the decision of civil contempt of court on the origination 2013 BCSC Case S67804 : Law Society of BC versus Shqwi'qwal Ralph Charles Goodwin Yuxwuletun, et al in the complaints arising under the Legal Profession Act, BC. As a LawSpeaker and Shqwi'qwal, Goodwin (not a lawyer per LSBC) has provided philanthropic (pro bono / no fee) legal advice to the general public ( including, indigenous CSSP) since 1975 on land titles and crimes against humanity issues. Goodwin is instructed by HRH Kwa'mutsun Nation State to continue publishing : In Truth We Trust. At court, Goodwin has attended without benefit of legal counsel; continuing to demand that the LSBC produce a right in law through a legitimate treaty with the CSSP; therein, no response to LSBC allegations has been filed in 2013 or in 2015.
The respondent Goodwin is a CSSP residing member of the sovereign HRH Stitumatulwut Hwuneem Quw`utsun Kwa`mutsun nation state; an absolute monarchy since before time (circa >13,500 years). CSSP refers to the international law designation of being a Consecutively Settled Sovereign Peoples. HRH Stitumatulwut Hwuneem is Goodwin's maternal; link to Kwa'mutsun.
Goodwin alleged in response that : (A) That the EIIR Canada state nation is compelled by customary laws and international law to provide the accused Respondent Goodwin, et al, with state funded competent legal counsel of choice (SF-CLCC); including, but not limited to, the prevailing "in forma pauperis" - indigent status of the Respondent Goodwin; (B) that there is an absence of EIIR Canada inherent legal jurisdiction in law due to the paramount fact that there is no nation-to-nation treaty between the CSSP and EIIR to establish Canada; (C) that there is no valid purchase of lands from the CSSP by the Founding Nation State Canada via the HBC (Hudson's Bay Company) spurious - specifically, prohibited by the 1670 HBC Charter (expired in 1697); and, that, in consequence EIIR Canada has committed crimes against humanity and war crimes (see 1996 Canada Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples; the 2015 Canada Truth and Reconciliation Commission ; TRC Canada : Final Report on Indian Residential School Victim Survivors; and, the 2015 final report on Canada's failures to indigenous people by UN Special Rapporteur Anaya).
Additionally, Goodwin has responded that EIIR Canada is in contravention of the UN Charter, Chapter VII regarding hostile military occupancy in absence of specific UN Security Counsel authorization; and, that therefore sanctions against EIIR and Canada are required in the interest of the administration of justice and law.
Goodwin has always stated that he will apologize to the EIIR Canada court on a matter of Mistake of Law in the event that there is evidence of a nation-to-nation treaty between competent parties that divests CSSP of the paramount governing authority; and, that with such valid evidence, Goodwin would comply with the BC Legal profession Act where it is accepted at court that the provincial law has jurisdiction on a EIIR Canada First Nations reserve, where Goodwin resides in the house of the absolute monarch HRH Stitumatulwut Hwuneem of Quwùtsun Kwa`mutsun Nation State. Such is not brought forward into record. And, thus, Goodwin, in 2013 commenced preliminary disclosures to the International Criminal Court / Office of the Prosecutor via the UN Security Council advisement. In 2016, Goodwin has filed addendum preliminary (awaiting competent legal counsel of choice through state funding : the 2005 Goodwin to EIIR letter informed EIIR that in the event of her denial of the petitioned state funding for legal counsel; then, Goodwin, et al, has advised the UN Security Council / UNSC that EIIR crown assets shall be seized into UN trust for the purposes of providing the required legal counsel funding on the matter of land title dispute in absence of treaty); therein, the UNSC shall provide the required SF-CLCC, supra.
Further, as premised through the 2005 documentation Goodwin / EIIR exchange, Goodwin has continued to advocate to the EIIR Canada government (Harper and Trudeau) to comply with the petitioned legal counsel funding (circa $40 M due to the no treaty land title issues and legal counsel funding provisions). To date there is no reply correspondence, nor emissary contact on these matters; therein, when considering the matters, in toto, Goodwin shall proceed in the UK on the criminal breach of Coronation Oath issues; and, the "crimes against humanity and war crimes allegations before all competent jurisdictions (UNSC / ICC / EUCHR / IACHR / UNCHR / OIPC)
BCSC Judge MacIntosh will reconvene court after January 11th, 2016; during which time he will issue the penalties upon Goodwin, et al, on the issue of MacIntosh, J. December 2015 decision that Goodwin, et al, is in civil contempt of court; and, that the Law Society of BC has petitioned for incarceration.
Goodwin provided documentation to establish that he had applied to EIIR in 2005 for legal funding; and, that EIIR had forwarded this application (as provided for via Airey v Ireland, and other international case law)
Goodwin alleged in response that : (A) That the EIIR Canada state nation is compelled by customary laws and international law to provide the accused Respondent Goodwin, et al, with state funded competent legal counsel of choice (SF-CLCC); including, but not limited to, the prevailing "in forma pauperis" - indigent status of the Respondent Goodwin; (B) that there is an absence of EIIR Canada inherent legal jurisdiction in law due to the paramount fact that there is no nation-to-nation treaty between the CSSP and EIIR to establish Canada; (C) that there is no valid purchase of lands from the CSSP by the Founding Nation State Canada via the HBC (Hudson's Bay Company) spurious - specifically, prohibited by the 1670 HBC Charter (expired in 1697); and, that, in consequence EIIR Canada has committed crimes against humanity and war crimes (see 1996 Canada Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples; the 2015 Canada Truth and Reconciliation Commission ; TRC Canada : Final Report on Indian Residential School Victim Survivors; and, the 2015 final report on Canada's failures to indigenous people by UN Special Rapporteur Anaya).
Additionally, Goodwin has responded that EIIR Canada is in contravention of the UN Charter, Chapter VII regarding hostile military occupancy in absence of specific UN Security Counsel authorization; and, that therefore sanctions against EIIR and Canada are required in the interest of the administration of justice and law.
Goodwin has always stated that he will apologize to the EIIR Canada court on a matter of Mistake of Law in the event that there is evidence of a nation-to-nation treaty between competent parties that divests CSSP of the paramount governing authority; and, that with such valid evidence, Goodwin would comply with the BC Legal profession Act where it is accepted at court that the provincial law has jurisdiction on a EIIR Canada First Nations reserve, where Goodwin resides in the house of the absolute monarch HRH Stitumatulwut Hwuneem of Quwùtsun Kwa`mutsun Nation State. Such is not brought forward into record. And, thus, Goodwin, in 2013 commenced preliminary disclosures to the International Criminal Court / Office of the Prosecutor via the UN Security Council advisement. In 2016, Goodwin has filed addendum preliminary (awaiting competent legal counsel of choice through state funding : the 2005 Goodwin to EIIR letter informed EIIR that in the event of her denial of the petitioned state funding for legal counsel; then, Goodwin, et al, has advised the UN Security Council / UNSC that EIIR crown assets shall be seized into UN trust for the purposes of providing the required legal counsel funding on the matter of land title dispute in absence of treaty); therein, the UNSC shall provide the required SF-CLCC, supra.
Further, as premised through the 2005 documentation Goodwin / EIIR exchange, Goodwin has continued to advocate to the EIIR Canada government (Harper and Trudeau) to comply with the petitioned legal counsel funding (circa $40 M due to the no treaty land title issues and legal counsel funding provisions). To date there is no reply correspondence, nor emissary contact on these matters; therein, when considering the matters, in toto, Goodwin shall proceed in the UK on the criminal breach of Coronation Oath issues; and, the "crimes against humanity and war crimes allegations before all competent jurisdictions (UNSC / ICC / EUCHR / IACHR / UNCHR / OIPC)
BCSC Judge MacIntosh will reconvene court after January 11th, 2016; during which time he will issue the penalties upon Goodwin, et al, on the issue of MacIntosh, J. December 2015 decision that Goodwin, et al, is in civil contempt of court; and, that the Law Society of BC has petitioned for incarceration.
Goodwin provided documentation to establish that he had applied to EIIR in 2005 for legal funding; and, that EIIR had forwarded this application (as provided for via Airey v Ireland, and other international case law)
- In 2013 the Law Society of BC petitioned BCSC via Case S68704 that Goodwin, et al, has contravened the Legal Profession Act of BC (LPA-BC) by offering and providing legal counsel to persons in breach of the LPA-BC
- Goodwin responded that (A) in absence of treaty that there is no EIIR Canada inherent legal jurisdiction to apply and enforce the LPA-BC; (B) that the EIIR Canada court is seated in absence of legitimate jurisdiction, (C) that EIIR Canada's actions constitute breaches of civil, human and political rights as inherent in customary and international laws; and, (D) that the foregoing entitles the HRH Stitumatulwut Hwuneem Quw'utsun Kwa'mutsun nation state absolute monarchy to receive international cooperation in resolving this land title dispute through the principles, conventions and doctrines of Gus Wen Tah : Peace, Trust & Friendship, as has existed within Turtle Island North since the beginning of time.
- Of Note : incarcerating Goodwin sends him to institutions where 40% men & 30% women are of CSSP heritage (60% children seized into EIIR Canada custody are CSSP). Cultural genocide prevails beyond the closing of the Indian Residential And Day Schools. Demial of Free, Prior Informed Consent by CSSP denies original Peoples the rightful and paramount access to land titles. It is not necessary to go to Rwanda, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cambodia or, Australia to find the continued Inter Caetera and Romanus Pontifex legacies and thriving war crimes ... It is merely more convenient to seek out crimes against humanity in other zones and territories ... The Right Of The Peoples Is The First Law ...
- In 1923, Haudenosaunee / Iroquois Confederacy Emissary Chief Deskaheh travelled to the League of Nations in Switzerland to proclaim British and Canadian violations and breaches; Britain and Canada (not yet a country) denied him access to the League; even though five other countries consented ... As a result, Chief Deskaheh died of a broken heart.
So Say We In Truth
HRH Stitumatulwut Hwuneem Quw'utsun Kwa'mutsun Nation State CSSP
Shqwi'qwal Ralph Charles Goodwin Yuxwuletun
Inter-Governmental Organization : Great Turtle island Federation : UN Recognized 2013
2389 Quamichan Road, Duncan, BC / Turtel Island North V9L 5L7